Newsletter 07

This page provides an overview of the public FAIRWork activities from
April 2024 until June 2024.

LinkedIn Newsletter

header for the first LinkedIn newsletter

For this period a LinkedIn newsletter regarding summarizing additional FAIRWork achievement was created using LinkedIn's newsletter function.

Read the complete newsletter here!

The following topics were covered:

  • - FAIRWork deliverables
  • - FAIRWork publications
  • - Past and future events

Social Media Posts

LinkedIn Post:

Partner Meeting in Turin

LinkedIn Post:

Repost: Paper Publication

LinkedIn Post:

Repost: CSIMQ Journal Publication

LinkedIn Post:

Impression: FAIRWork Webinar #13

LinkedIn Post:

Impression: FAIRWork Webinar #14



Work Package 3: Research on Method and Tools for DAI-DSS

Deliverable 3.2: First DAI-DSS Research Collection: Download (preliminary version)

Work Package 4: Development of DAI-DSS

Deliverable 4.1.1: DAI-DSS Architecture and initial Documentation and Test Report (update): Download (preliminary version)

Work Package 5: Demonstration of FAIRWork at Use Case Site

Deliverable 5.2: DAI-DSS Infrastructure and Setup Report at Use Case Site: Download (preliminary version)