FAIRWork Webinar #15


FAIRWork’s Exploitation Environment: Innovation Shop and Joint Exploitation Ecosystems

Date/Time: November 22, 2024 11:00 - 11:30 CET
Calendar Entry: Download
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Virtual Location (password after registration): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87936222985
The EU-funded FAIRWork project is designed not only to meet its current objectives but also to ensure the long-term impact and sustainability of its innovations. In FAIRWork, we’ve integrated preparation for future exploitation with active dissemination efforts during the project’s runtime, ensuring that our results remain accessible and beneficial well beyond project completion. During this webinar, you will learn about our Innovation Shop—a platform for publishing and sharing project prototypes and results across varying Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). This platform serves as a hub where partners can contribute, showcase, and collaborate on valuable innovations. FAIRWork’s Innovation Shop was created in cooperation with the Change2Twin, as we used their technology and concept of the Change2Twin Marketplace and adapted it to our needs.

Additionally, we will introduce the two primary exploitation ecosystems developed within FAIRWork, which unite individual partner results to foster ongoing collaboration and maximize impact. These ecosystems define how the FAIRWork partners can utilize their results together after the project and work together to create value for the partners and their customers.


Introduction Innovation Shop

Knowledge Representation Ecosystem

Data Provision Ecosystem
